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Generating Innovations in HR

Every company has that top level employee that seems to be a rainmaker. They cannot do anything wrong and the company that if it's immensely because of their actions. A competitor may also know about this rainmaker and look for ways in which they can recruit them. Why would a top level employee leave their current employment to seek out other opportunities? Generating innovations in HR is one way to give the appearance that the grass is greener to make that employee make the switch.

Many people think that one person would leave their current job for another solely for a salary increase. This often is not the case and it is up to human resources to identify incentives to recruit as well as retain staff. The company needs to recognize what are issues that are important to employees so that they can meaningfully gauge how to increase company return on investment for a strategic hire.

Does an existing employee feel like they are consistently hitting a brick wall when it comes to collaborating on team projects? HR global innovations would include using the best tools that technology has to offer that can provide seamless integration between project teams on a global scale. It is commonplace for teams to be scattered throughout the world and they must work effectively across multiple time zones. These technology platforms provide the basis for effective collaboration across many projects. Future teams can also learn and implement the successes from previous projects across the network as well.

Generating Innovations in HR
Generating Innovations in HR

What are some tools that can be used for generating innovations in HR? Collaborating across the globe is not an entirely new concept, but technology makes it easier than ever. Having the ability to access tools for document sharing as well as virtual conference spaces are some of the many ways in which employees can boost productivity. Web 2.0 properties as well as the increasing power of mobile phones allows employees to conduct business wherever they are on the planet. They no longer have to be in a specific location in order for work to be completed. Internal technological security has also seen great improvement over time so the consideration of a breach has also been alleviated.

Some companies encourage interaction between employees and their direct consumers. HR global innovations allows employees to share information that may be important to consumers via a company's Google+ or Facebook Fan Page. No longer does a company have to work in a vacuum strategizing on a product that the marketplace may not want to purchase. By using these platforms, a company can solicit responses and feedback from potential and current customers to ensure they are on the right path with regards to product development. This is also a great incentive to employees who have a strong desire to build a community not only within the company but also on the web.

Generating innovations in HR is an ongoing process to recruit and retain top level employees. By developing strategies to meet employees needs while also focusing on a positive return on investment will keep companies on the leading edge.

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